Competition Team Auditoins

We’re so excited to have you auditioning for one of our 2021/22 dance teams!

This page is to help you get ready for the big day – May 8th!

Before you arrive you’ll need to decide which styles of dance you want to compete in next year.  You can choose from:

  • Jazz
  • Contemporary
  • Ballet
  • Hip Hop

If you want to compete on a Hip Hop team and are 4-6 years old you do not need to attend a hip hop audition.  Just let us know when you register that you’d like to compete in Hip Hop.

If you are 7 or older, you should attend attend the Hip Hop Crew audition:  May 8th 10:30-Noon

If you want to compete in Jazz, Contemporary or Ballet you’ll need to attend the technical audition for your age.

  • Ages 4-8:  May 8th 9:30-10:30am
  • Ages 9-19: May 8th 12:00-3:00pm

Before The Audition

Watch the video for your audition(s) dance and learn it the best you can.  Keep stretching at home and working hard in your classes.  Your teachers notice your attitude and work ethic every week.

The Day of the Audition

Anytime you go to auditions you want to make your best impression.  Come dressed in your best dance clothes.  Your outfit should be fitted.  Don’t wear loose or baggy clothing.  Wear your hair up and neat.  Be kind and considerate to the other dancers. 

You’ll come in and get registered.  This is where you’ll tell us what styles you’d like to do next year and also if you’d like to do a solo.  You’ll also get your number and we’ll tell you where to go next.

Parents should plan on leaving after helping their dancer register and then picking them up at the end.

Hip Hop Audition

This audition is all about the combo!  Learn it the best you can.  

In this audition we’ll review the combo from the video and then break into groups to have you perform it.  You won’t have to do it alone.   You’ll most likely get a few chances to show it to us as we put you into different groups and watch you next to different dancers.

Please bring sneakers for this audition. 

Technical Audition Ages 4-8

Our audition will be a lot like a dance class!  We’ll do a short warm up, then we’ll have you show us if you can do your splits and heel stretches.  It’s ok if you can’t, but you should try your very best.

Then we’ll go across the floor showing our walks, kicks and leaps.

Last, we’ll review this combination to I’m a Lady and then we’ll have you perform it in small groups.  You won’t ever have to dance alone.

Do your best to learn this dance before the day of the audition.  It’s super fun!

Technical Auditon Ages 9-18

This is going to be a very large audition this year, so we will be breaking you into groups for a lot of things. 

We’ll start with a quick warm up and then have you show your splits and needles.  We’ll give you a pirouette combination, and do chaines, kicks, and leaps.

The last section of the audition will be a review of this choreography and then we’ll have you perform it in small groups.  Likely we’ll pair you with a variety of groups so we can see you next to different dancers and to give you more than one chance to really nail the combo.

This dance is fast.  In the video, it’s being done to slowed down music.  We recommend you learn and practice it to this slower tempo.  If you feel like you’ve really mastered it at this speed, go ahead and try it to the original song, but if you stick with the slower version the whole time, that’s totally ok.

What if I want to compete in Contemporary or Ballet and don’t want to do Jazz?  Do I still need to learn this dance? 

Yes, still learn this dance.  What we’re really looking for is that you can put steps together, remember choreography and maintain your technique when it’s mixed with other things.

Learn the dance the best you can. 

We won’t be looking for the same level of mastery from our 7 year olds as we are from our 17 year olds so don’t stress if you’ve tried your best and it still isn’t perfect.

  It’s a fun dance and we want to see you having fun while you do it